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Warrens Cranberry Festival


Warrens Cranberry Festival
  • September 26-28, 2025 (Rain or Shine! No rain date)

  • Location:  Warrens, Wisconsin - 8 miles north of Tomah take I-94 to the Warrens Exit #135

  • 7:00 AM 5:00 PM - All Three Days

  • Registered Vendors must be open and staffed during the fest hours.  Artists are welcome to stay open beyond 5:00 pm until the crowd disperses. Streets will not be opened until deemed safe by authorities.

  • Booth Spaces: 10x10 sq. ft.

  • An accepted application is a commitment to participate in the event.  There are NO Refunds or cancellations for any reason.

  • Booths cannot open late or close early at any time
    they must be opened on time and stay open for the duration of the festival.

  • Art or Craft or Buy/Sell Booth Fee:

    • $350 - 10x10 sq. ft. or $700 - 20x10 sq. ft. (June 2nd - Sept. 20th)

    • $375 - 10x10 sq. ft. or $750 - 20x10 sq. ft. (Sept. 21st - 26th)

  • Art/Craft - All items for sale must be designed, created & handcrafted by the exhibitor. No imports, buy/sell products, kits, items made from kits, or pre-manufactured items are allowed.

  • Buy & sell - booths are in a separate area downtown near the art/craft area.

  • We do not provide display or set-up equipment - such as tables, chairs, or tents. Any color tents are

  • You are required to stay entirely within your rented booth space - no awnings or tie down ropes beyond your rented space.

  • No booths may be sublet to anyone!   Artist must be present and showcasing only the work which was
    accepted. Representatives are not permitted to attend in place of the artist unless prior approval.

  • Up to two artists may share a booth - each artist must be juried in separately.  There will be a place
    on the application for the artists to indicate that they would like to share a booth space with another
    applying artist.


Make check payable to:

Warrens Cranberry Festival
Mail to:

Warrens Cranberry Festival Inc,
Vendor Application-Art/Craft
P.O. 146, Warrens, WI 54666


We reserve the right to accept or reject any booth or merchandise.


You will be notified that you have been accepted to participate in our show by email. If you downloaded the application and mailed it in.  Send a Self-Addressed
Stamped Envelope if you would like a written acceptance notice and your pictures returned.
Your cancelled check is your receipt.

ARTist regulations

All work in every category must be original work produced by the exhibiting artist

  • Work which has been produced with commercial kits, molds, patterns, plans, prefabricated forms or other commercial methods is not permitted.  Your booth will be located in the buy/sell area.


All items sold and displayed must be juried and approved.

  • ​All items must show good taste and be family appropriate. Nude, erotic, graphic and/or violent images will NOT be considered for this event. On-site representatives will be enforcing this policy throughout the festival.


Artists must be present and open all three days.

  • The jury committee reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work that is not consistent with the rules. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the Festival with no refund.

Vendor Responsibilities

Displays - Provide your own display or set-up equipment, such as tables, chairs, or tents. Any color tents are acceptable.


We do no supply electricity.  No generators are allowed during show hours. Generators will be allowed
before 7am and after 6pm. 


You are required to stay entirely within your rented booth space - no awnings or tie down ropes beyond your rented space.


​You are responsible for collecting & paying state/county sales tax -  5.5% (Monroe County).

  • ​Responsible for their own applicable sales tax according to state and federal laws.

  • Contact the Wisconsin Department of Revenue office with questions or to obtain a permit at 1-608-266-2776.

  • You must fill out Part C Vendor Information form on page 3 before you are accepted to the show.


Responsible for your proper insurance and protection within your rented area.

  • A Certificate of insurance which provides proof of general business liability insurance in minimal amount of $1,000,000 is required by all vendors accepted in the show by September 1st.

  • Your name from your application must be on this certificate and the dates of the 2024 Festival must be
    covered. We need a personal name included if you are using a business name.

  • You MUST list the Warrens Cranberry Festival as additional insured.

  • ​If you are a new artist, you may wait until acceptance to acquire insurance.
    An insurance company used by many artists is Veracity Insurance (844) 520-6991 or go to

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