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Warrens Cranberry Festival

Sunday -- 1:00 pm | Arrive Time -- 10:00am

  • ALL UNITS MUST BE DECORATED.  Please NO political signs on any float or vehicle.

  • We request ALL Equestrian Units be diapered or provide own clean up at the staging area and throughout the parade or they will not be allowed to participate.

  • Due to the congestion in the parking area, all support and additional vehicles per parade unit are limited.  Each band may have only one (1) additional vehicle; and you MUST be pre-approved to park and/or be in the parade

  • If you are asked to adjust or lower the volume of your music, please comply.  Failure to do so WILL influence the judge's final scores.

  • All parade entries MUST provide proof of insurance.  Warrens Cranberry Festival, Inc. should be named as additional insured.  If it is not received by August 25, 2024, your unit will be unable to participate without Parade Committee approval.

  • Once unit is in position in the line-up area, the driver must be in attendance at least one hour prior to parade start time and available to move the unit if necessary.

  • Please include a cell phone number for your parade unit.  This is required to approve your entry.

  • All awards will be handed out at the Reviewing Stand on Main Street about 3:00pm - 3:30pm, following the completion of the parade.

  • For the safety of our parade guests, we ask you don't throw candy from the parade unit.  Have a handler disperse the candy.

  • We will need the total length of your vehicle and float for line-up purposes, so please be accurate.

  • Be specific on spelling and pronunciations of the names of your royalty.  The announcer needs to be accurate with pronouncing names.

  • Please register by August 25, 2024 to ensure your entry is accepted.  Any entries received after the deadline will need to be reviewed by the Parade Committee for approval.

  • Your line-up number and details will be sent out about 15 days before the parade.

  • If you have any questions, please contact the Warrens Cranberry Festival Office at 608-378-4200 or email -  

Royalty Parade Entry

Only one (1) support/additional vehicle MUST have approval to park and/or drive in the parade.  This does not include the vehicle pulling the float. 

Upload Insurance File

The Festival is NOT responsible if you are placed next to another unit with music.  This is a family festival, so please choose appropriate music.  

NOTE: if you are asked to lower or adjust the volume of your music, we ask that you comply and be respectful of the other floats, so that everyone's music can be heard.  Failure to do so will influence the judge's final scores.


*If you don't know the Royalty names yet, please send in the entry application, then contact us as soon as you have the names at or 608-378-4200, ext. 102.


Thanks for your Parade Entry. We will follow up with details & instructions.

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